6 Tips to Find a Job Quickly: Past Work Experience Is Not Required

Key Points

  • Focus is crucial: Set a goal and work towards it
  • Evaluate your interests to find a suitable
  • Choose to work on what you love
  • Don't fear failure: is key
  • Value your unique strengths
  • Appreciate what you already have

Thomas A. Edison, the well-known inventor who developed many devices that significantly influenced life around the planet, including the long-standing electric light bulb, had said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. From it, we can conclude that there's nothing to be afraid of about work. You might think that you are not capable because you have not earned a profession or maybe because you don't have a past work experience. Cheer up! “All things are difficult before they are easy”, says one person. Now, don't miss another opportunity, take a look at the following tips to find a job quickly and be brave enough to believe that this could be your time to have the work you desire.

1. Learn the art of focus.

What is focus? Here's a very good definition from a dictionary: it is the concentration of attention or energy on something. If you want to accomplish plenty of things, start with one and focus on it. Without knowing, you have done all of them. That's the power of focus. It starts with one but it benefited all the others. If you want to find a job quickly, learn to focus on finding one. Make up your mind and then another simple suggestion is to write it down. Take note of your goal, let's say, to find a job and write down the little steps that are necessary to achieve it. Don't underestimate the power of the small steps. Another benefit if you write it down is that it's easier for you to gauge your progress. You can trace where you are and where you are headed without difficulty.           

2. Evaluate your interests.

Let's move forward to the next step. Evaluate your interests. This is important because we, as individuals, have varied interests. What might interest me makes you bored. To a few, writing is fun but to many, it is a torment. For others, doing paper works is enjoyable but others are drawn to sleep by just looking at those papers. Funny as it sounds but that's the reality. Each of us is unique and it follows that every person has a unique inclination to work too. What's the key? Find one that interests you and begin working on it.

3. Choose to work on what you love the most.

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” as Confucius had said. How is this possible? It is because when you love someone, you adore that person and all else fade away. So, if you love your work, your focus will be on it and all things fades away. The love for your job is what makes the difference. The seem-to-be boring job will turn to be interesting and exciting if you have love for it. Love brings life and vigor to life. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance (1 Cor. 13:7). When you love your work, you will not only survive, you will thrive!   

4. Don’t be afraid to fail and try again.

Some people are sitting on the sidelines of life not because they don't what it takes but because the fear of failure crouch them down. You might have countless failures and it seems that every time you try, you fail. Take my advice: try again. Why? Because you don't have to be perfect in order to find a job. Perseverance is the key. Along the way, there may be a need for you to shake-off the negative comments and the negative thoughts but it's okay. Remember this: if you can defeat fear in your mind, it cannot defeat you in life. So, have the right attitude and keep going.

5. Value your strengths.

You may not be better than anyone else but know this: you are not inferior to anybody else. You are unique and amazing as you are. You don't have to pretend to be somebody else in order to find a job, you just have to be yourself and be the best that you can be. You have something unique in you that nobody has and that's what we call, “your strength”. Learn to value it.

6. Appreciate what you have.

Don't look down on yourself because you don't have what others have. Did you know that there's an antidote to self-pity? It's appreciating what you have. At this moment, you may not have the job you want to have but don't give up, you may not have it yet but you will when you come to your turn. See, everybody has a season and believe that yours is on its way. It may have taken a long time but it will surely come. So, keep your hopes up as you wait.   

The tips enumerated above might sound basic but they can push you toward the job you desire. Take them by heart and believe that this could be your time, your season to have your dream job. So, go get it!

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